Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Are you Listed?

As you can see, I'm now part of a group Quilters Get Listed. Check it out, give it a try. I love finding new ways to connect.
We actually have our heat on. Not unusual you say? Well, in my mind, it's like Alaska needing AC. It will probably be off tomorrow though.
My sweetie is even better today, thank God. It's really hard to watch him have trouble breathing. Neither one of us sleeps, either.
I've mentioned I have two broken sewing machines. One happened abou 6 month ago. It was sitting on my folding table with an acrylic extension table around the bed of it. Well, I moved the table, slowly and carefully, and the darn leg still went under, so it slipped off the table. I know, I should have known better. It isn't damaged from the fall, but from the acrylic table slamming against the needle bar, and bending it back. Geesh! God only know what this will cost to fix. I put it off because my DH's transmission needed work to the tune of $700.
The second machine quit the other day. I had been having trouble with where the cord plugs into the machine. It would shut off if the cord was moved/wriggled. Anyway, now it won't turn on at all. This one is a Bernina, and they can be a fortune to fix.
I'm grateful I have another to work on. Maybe I'll sell one of these after they are fixed. I'm feeling like I have too much anwyay.
Let me know if you get listed,


Rhonda M said...

I just got listed. Thanks Linda!

Linda said...

Hey B-Z
i'm trying to get more active with the blogging. every little bit helps. Welcome aboard