Wednesday, February 10, 2010


What's everyone up to today?

First I want to share that I made Giada's recipe for Chicken Vesuvio. Very easy, and outrageously good. Very satisfying.

I also wanted to share the sampler I'm working on. I've tried, but failed to work on one thing. My mind just doesn't work that way, so I've given up that CRAZY notion. I have managed to discipline myself to work on just one project per type-of-craft. For me, that's progress with a capital P.


Deb said...

Your start looks great! I'm like you - can't focus on one thing for too long! There always seems to be so many things to do to stay on just one thing.

Anonymous said...

I work much better if I have several projects going on at once too. Your sampler is looking good. Look forward to seeing more. Keep us posted;-)


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Your sampler is lovely and hey, whatever works for you is GOOD. It should all be fun, after all.