Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Checking In
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Where Has the Time Gone??
Monday, May 9, 2011
Woo Hoo
She took, count them...3 years to do!
Because I can get obsessive about doing handwork!! It was a labor of love for our daughter who spent a year in Hawaii. I always tell her I'm glad she's back in the states.

To that end, I chose a flower design in each of the four corners of each block, and machine quilted a free form vine and leaf design in the border.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Quilt Show

A Finish in a busy month

Friday, March 4, 2011
Satisfying Finish
But this one, I'm in love with. Can't wait for Fall to come around so it can hang in the family room.
I hope each of you had fun in your studio, and are planning a restful weekend.
Whatever you do, have a blast.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Hot Buttered Rum and Stuff
Friday, February 25, 2011
Another Finish
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It's Been a Good Week
The other day I posted poor Marianne with Casey sitting on her.
This is what she's looking like when she's not being used as a sit-upon. Of all the things I do, I still love stitching by hand more than anything. I savor working on her.
The white fabric is white on white daisies. The trim is red with small white polka dots. I think she'll look really cute in it. Especially wearing the Minnie flip flops we got her last month!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Is That Any Way To Treat Marianne?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I'd Love Your Opinion
What do you think of how this is looking? I have been planning to cross hatch the center, but not sure if I'm going to like a line going the other diagonal or not. Guess I'll have to do it though. I often choose King Tut variegated threads because they change color every inch, so there isn't a long line of one color.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Marianne Wenn Sampler
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Satisfied Saturday
Friday, January 28, 2011
Satisfied Almost Saturday
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Finish and a treat
I feel pretty successful finishing this sock. As you can see from the book, it was knitted from the toe up. Have you tried that yet?
In a previous post, I shared a traditionally knitted sock, which I enjoyed doing, but was not thrilled with how the toe turned out. So, while at Michael's one day, I noticed this book, and had to try it. Well, the toe is wonderfully smooth, and I like that.
The cast on is quite different and took some practice, but the end result is worth it to me. She gives very good instruction, and several cast on choices.
Now, my only dilemma is getting the cast off loose enough. Since that is at the cuff, it needs to stretch to get the sock on!!! The first cast off didn't stretch. Unknit! Try again, much better.
Do you like to bake? These brownies are made
of whole wheat and I'm certain you'd never know. They are rich and fudgy, the kind I love. I added espresso powder and pecans. Melt in your mouth goodness.
King Arthur flour is my go to for all things whole grain. Their whole grain recipe book is excellent.
A few years ago, some friends ushered me into milling my own grain. Excessive, you're thinking? Well,, one advantage is the baked product is never bitter as when I use bought whole wheat. I was surprised how much better the bread was when I milled it myself. I was hooked, and have been baking with mostly whole wheat ever since.
Let me know if you want the recipe.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Satisfied Saturday
Now, don't you just wish we could do just that?
I was very excited yesterday when I stopped in at Joanne's. They had Simplicity patterns for 99 cents, and I just had to have these. Of course, you know who they are for. The one on the left is a vintage pattern, like from when we were kids. We are vintage now--Sigh! The one in the middle has an adorable pinafore, love those things, hope her mama does, and the one on the right is for an apron. The wee princess loves to help mom in the kitchen. I am going to have fun creating these things with her in mind.
The real reason for stopping at Joanne's was to get fabric to make something for her that reminded me of Minnie Mouse. She loves Mickey and Minne. Now, I have a Brother Disney embroidery machine, which is broken at the moment, which is soooo cramping my style!! And frankly, I didn't think I would ever find fabric that said Minnie. You know how Disney keeps a lock on things. Well, I could hardly contain myself when my eyes landed on, not only red fabric with white polka dots, but Large polka dots at that!!!!
The plan is to make a twirly skirt and put the ribbon as a trim with bows and such!! We bought her a pair of Minnie flip flops in Dec. Now, if I can just get that machine fixed in time to embroider a t-shirt, or something!!!
We are satisfied with one more thing this week. You may recall my previous post that my DH had a tough case of bronchitis over Christmas, and we thought he got over it, He started up again a week ago. Thank God, he didn't get nearly as bad, it only lasted a couple days. So, that's a blessing. And, yesterday the garage door broke, just a-hangin' there. DH was out, so it was afternoon before I called anyone, since my sweetie fixes everything. Well, the first people wanted to charge $155. an hour since it was about 4pm, told them I'd go elsewhere. The second said oh, no one today, too late, and when I said I'd go elsewhere, someone materialized for a premium fee as well. No thank you, so the third was the charm, they came right out, fixed it and it was $300 for everything, parts and labor. We were concerned it would be many times that amount. I now have the quietest, smoothest running door we've ever had!! God is good.
Hope to hear from you.
Have a blessed week
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Satisfied Saturday
And drum roll please--Ta Da, the first finishe of 2011. A sampler I posted about earlier this year. I adore handwork, samplers are the best. I think they appeal to me because of the history behind them. This one in particular, I bought a few years back, and it's based on Mystic, Ct. Long before I ever dreamed our oldest would live there, and I'd get to visit there and fall in love with the place. So, now it's done, and I have to go on the frame hunt. Where do you all get your frames?
That's it for tonight. Drop me a post and let me know how your week went. Enjoy tomorrow.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Good Evening
BTW, have you ever done long and short stitch? I have not, and the chart is a chore to read. Not sure if this is going to be too frustrating or not. That may be why she didn't finish it. If you have any tips for handling the chart, I'd appreciate your input.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Satisfied Saturday
This week, I ...
managed to do lots of organizing, obvious from previous posts. Now my DH is trying to get me to put all sorts of things in the empty space I created. Don't think so!! I want to try to make more space if I can.
actually stayed on top of all the little chores which are easy to let slip, which means I was personally organized as well.
raked leaves, a chore I adore!!
used up the leftover fabric from the wee one's pjs, meaning less scraps to deal with.
hoed the garden to keep up with the weeds, which never ever die no matter what here.
finished reading Firefly Lane, a book I enjoyed, and think you will too.
What are you satisfied with this Saturday?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Another Day, another...
In one bin from under the table, there was clothes which need mending. Did I mention I hate to mend and hem?? Well, a couple items were my daughter's, and I put them on her bed. Angie walked out with them, and laughed, saying how long they'd been missing. She "thought" they needed fixed, so I told her she's a big girl now, and can do the job. I don't think she even cares about them anymore.
Moral of the story....if you let that stuff stay hidden long enough, it won't ever have to be done. :))
I think tomorrow morning, we'll be heading to garage sales. If I find anything cool, I'll share it with you. It seems we find lots of guy stuff all the time, men seem to part with their tools, but rarely have I found any sewing, crafting stuff. Oh wait, I just unloaded a bunch. And I can find my way around my studio again. Guess it's a good thing I can't find someone else's leftovers!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Almost Forgot
I cleaned and cleaned and what did I find?
What was I thinking???
When I got up this morning, it was not with the intention of sorting out my studio. But that's just what I did. After I posted this morning, I looked at the photos I'd shared, and they didn't make it look too bad. But in the closet was that much again, and more. One thing led to another, and I was dragging things out of the cupboards. Here's what I found:
Raffia, Large cording for fabric baskets--remember when that was popular? Straw, Cardboard picture frame forms for fabric frames, Felt, lots and lots of felt, Old patterns, Old craft stuff, Supplies for dollmaking, Stuff I'd made to sell in a craft show, BOM, and two things which warmed my heart; needlework which my mom had started, and I said I'd finish for her, and fur from an old coat of hers. She's been gone 11 years this month.
Alot of this has been bagged up to give away, not mom's stuff, of course, that I'm going to work on.
I now have alot more room in my closet, everything looks neater, and I Will Not Keep so much again!! That's a promise I intend to keep. I also have a few empty containers. Tomorrow, I'm going to go through a few piles I have laying around, see what else I can relieve myself of.
What's in your studio?
Today's endeavor
What am I getting myself into?? I decided to look for a small piece of fabric to use for backing on the little baby doll quilt I made our grandaughter for her new baby doll. I see I haven't put that picture up. Thought I did! Anyway, while in the closet, I noticed these boxes. They weren't hidden, they're just on the way top shelf. So, for some unknown masochistic reason, I took them down. There they sit on my tables, and in the interest of using or pitching, I'm determined to go through them!!
Along with the boxes, I found these childhood knitting "things", left just the way the last child had them. The last child is almost 29, she's the mommy!! Now you can do the math, figure out how long it's been since I've gone through these things!!
I thought I was pretty organized!!
At the bottom of the page, you'll see the doll quilt and pillow I put together yesterday.
And, I will get back to you with what's in these things.
What do you think it will be, treasures? Scary, crumbly things?